For Multi-passionate, ambitious coaches and healers who are ready to create transformative, premium signature offer for soul-aligned clients.



 This 3 month program - The Abundant Coach Mastermind, has been created specifically for ambitious coaches, healers and wellness professionals, like you, who are really ready to take your existing coaching or healing business and turn it into a abundant, sustainable and scalable mini empire. 

This is a high vibe month coaching program lead by leading wellness professionals Rachel Fearnley and Lucy Foster-Perkins.

We show you how to streamline your offerings to create a high end, high touch signature one-on-one program and set your business up to scale and flourish. 

The Abundant Coach Mastermind is for coaches and healers who have a long term and ambitious vision for yourself and your business.

We're here to collapse your timeline and give you the tools and building blocks to make the impact and income you desire.

This program has been adapted from our 4 month group mastermind to create a 3 month one-on-one coaching program.



This coaching program is for you if... 


  • You’re an ambitious wellness professional, healer or coach who wants to increase their impact and income
  • You have a long-term vision of a sustainable, abundant coaching or healing business and you're ready to make this a reality.
  • You have an entrepreneurial spirit and seek guidance to create a scalable offer, meaningful messaging that lands and sustainable systems in your business that frees up your time to explore your passions and creativity.
  • You've already got feedback that your work has impact and is needed in the world. It's now time to increase your reach and income (without burning out).
  • You're ready to create a premium, high-touch, one-on-one offer that you can confidently and sustainably build from, to create an offer suite and ecosystem (not sure what these are? Read below!) to further help the next level of transformation for your clients.
  • You want to strategically plan your next 6-12 months with offers that sell.


  • You understand that your energy, mindset and frequency hugely affects the outcome of your business (and life!) and you're eager to further up-level your internal to attract ideal clients and positively contribute to the flow of abundance in your business.
  • You want sales to be a joyful and expansive experience that you enjoy, and that bring in the income you desire.
  • You know you’d benefit from joining a high-vibe, support system of like-minded wellness entrepreneurs who you can grow and develop with.
  • You’re ready to move from hustling wellness professional to embodying a thriving wellness entrepreneur mindset.

What our clients are saying...

❝ I knew I wanted to move to the next level for my business.

I felt limited to the income I could make.

I've really broken through some very old patterning and limiting beliefs about what I am capable of.

I felt super supported in this space.

I had a very basic foundation of a business and this whole course has allowed me to solidify that foundation and now create a launch pad into the next phase. ❞ 

Amy - Coaching Client, Business Mastermind Program


Imagine if...


You were the CEO of a company that offered multiple high-end coaching or healing offers (aka an offer suite!) that your ideal clients could dive into and deeper their own transformation from one offer to the next (also called an "eco system" in your business) 


You had the knowledge, frameworks and systems to help streamline your business to create more space for creativity and play.


You effortlessly embodied the roll of an abundant entrepreneur, with ease and grace. Your work is magnetic and your work is needed and desired by your global community.


Your messaging and posts were so clear and potent that your dream clients consistently turn up, ready to work with you and at the price point you desire.


You've created a dedicated and bad ass team who support and enhance your work. You delegate the jobs you don't enjoy and focus on what you're great at - working with clients and create your next offer.


Selling your offer felt joyful, no matter the price!


You're generating the income you once dreamt off. It feels exciting but you it also feels totally right.


You had the space to be creative in your business and give value to your clients and audience from an already-full cup.


You have support and guidance from experienced wellness entrepreneurs who has successfully grown 2 6 figure  businesses. You feel held, celebrated and supported as you transform unconscious conditioning around money and abundance to finally break through your glass ceiling.


Meet Your Business Coaches

Lucy & Rachel, Co-founders & Co-CEO’s of The Whole Health Project

"Our own successes have come when we've combined transformative offers, clear strategy and deep inner work. 

This is why we have created The Abundant Coach Mastermind."

What our clients are saying...

❝ Coming from a burn out myself, I really felt it was time to change my ways so that I could build up a business with more structure, more focus and more clarity. And when I came across Lucy and Rachel, I really felt like I connected to their way of thinking and their way of working and talking.

You learn to dig so deep with them much, much deeper than you think you realise throughout the process how personal it really is being a wellness practitioner and how important it is to really dig deep before you can really build up a sustainable business. I've really found it really special to go through this process. βž 

Lily, Nutritionist & Ayurvedic Coach, Mastermind Client Nov 2020


CREATE a transformative, scalable one-on-one offer that you're excited about and proud of. 


GENERATE a fast track road map to consistent income without burning out.


ALIGN your energy, stories and frequency with your new identity - an abundant, kick-ass CEO of your own thriving company.


Schedule Your Free Alignment Call Below


Want to check to see if The Abundant Coach Mastermind is right for you and your business? Let's have a chat.

Send us an application form and book an Alignment Call with either Rachel or Lucy, and we can assess where you're currently at with your life and business, and whether our program is right for you.



What our clients are saying...

❝ This Mastermind was the push I definitely needed... My business is now only something I am proud of but also a product that I can easily sell. βž

Maria - Artist Energy Coach, Mastermind Client 2021


What happens during ABUNDANT COACH MASTERMIND ...

The process is not complicated, in fact we're all about stripping back unnecessary clutter, fad marketing gimmicks and noise. 

This Mastermind is both a business transformation AND a personal transformation. Both are as important as each other to create an aligned, meaningful and abundant business.

The tools we teach you are ones you'll return to again and again when you scale and grow.

No more stabbing in the dark, no more guess work. Just a clear, aligned and achievable plan that is adaptable with your own style, desires and voice.  


During the 3 months we spend together you'll be given a step-by-step process to create your own unique heart-lead, high end one-on-one offer that is rooted in your offering, experience and modalities.

We'll dive into honing in your niche, your message and your story, creating a smart launch plan, insight on how and when to start building your support team, strategies to increase your reach and build your community. 

You'll receive personalised coaching and supporting throughout this 3 month program to help you create the building blocks and personalised road map that best suits your unique style, desires and lifestyle.

You’ll be challenged (and supported) to break through your glass ceilings, inspired to upgrade your mindset, energy and frequency, and empowered to step up and become the abundant and ambitious entrepreneur that you yearn to be.


A little about us...

Hi, Lucy here! Let me introduce ourselves.

Collectively, Rachel and I have 18 years of experience in the health and wellness world. We’ve started with humble offerings, and scaled both a 6-figure retreat business, The Pineapple House Bali and coaching business, The Whole Health Project.

We met in Bali and became soul-sisters in an instance. We've lived together, worked together, cried and laughed together. We are an awesome team and come alive when we co-coach, strategise and build our global community together!

Our success hasn't been created with fancy marketing funnels, or huge start up investments.  It comes from marrying simple, effective strategy and offerings, with continual inner work and personal upgrades.

We’ve travelled the world doing what we love, hosted sell-out retreats and teacher trainings, launched successful online courses and created beautiful lives in Bali and Europe.

In short, together we’ve got a healthy amount of experience and we want to pass it on to you so you can expand your impact and celebrate the income you receive as a result.

We recognise so much of ourselves in our clients - passionate, ambitious, honest, damn good coaches, healer and facilitators, and ready to do what it takes to realise their dreams!

What our clients are saying...

❝ I highly recommend joining this program, Lucy & Rachel have been SO supportive❝

Julia - Coaching Client, Business Mastermind Program


What you’ll cover in

The Abundant Coach Mastermind Coaching Program



βœ”οΈ Create a transformational high-end one-on-one offer that utilises your unique skills set and experience, and serves your ideal client.

βœ”οΈ Learn the art of copy and messaging that speaks directly to your ideal client’s soul.

βœ”οΈ Pricing that brings in abundance and high-vibe clients.

β€‹βœ”οΈ Soulful and authentic sales.

βœ”οΈ Community building and events.



β€‹βœ”οΈ How to grow your support team, step by step.

βœ”οΈ Create simple systems that frees up your time to be more creative and giving in your business.

βœ”οΈ Understand how to create an ecosystem within your business so your clients stay with you to continue their transformation.



βœ”οΈ Learn the fundamental tools that every successful soul-signed business owner embodies.

βœ”οΈ ​Discover and break down blockages around success and abundance.

β€‹βœ”οΈ Self care while growing a business.

βœ”οΈ Recognise and overcome resistance to remain anchored and grounded through the inevitable of being an ambitious entrepreneur.

​And more…



As soon as you enroll you'll get instant access to the online portal so that you can dive straight in and start implementing the teachings into your business.

We'll arrange the schedule of coaching calls to start within the first week.

Access to trainings, teachings and insights through live group calls and pre-recorded training videos. 

You'll work through these step-by-step training videos in your time and implement the teachings as you go.

Personalised one on one coaching to facilitate personal upgrades that will have a direct impact on the success of your business.

9 coaching calls with Rachel and/or Lucy where we offer laser coaching and weekly focuses.

We don’t take your investment of time, money and energy lightly, which is why, once you've applied, we'll reach out to book an Alignment Call to make sure the program is a perfect match for you.




Are you ready to be supported by us for 3 months to seriously up-level your mindset and scale your business?



$3500 OR 3X $1285


Who is this not for?

This isn't the coaching program for you if....

  • You are looking for a magic pill that will grow your business
  • Don't have at least 12 hours p/week to invest
  • Are not ready to break through your own limiting stories as to why you are not where you want to be
  • You refuse to be on social media
  • You don’t like to receive feedback and suggestions

Frequently Asked Questions