Looking to confidently create & sell your own profitable online course so you can serve and reach a wider audience with less effort, while also smartly leveraging your time and money? 

You’re an ambitious and impactful coach, healer or teacher at a crucial stage in your business where you’re ready to offer an online course to your clients around the world.  

But you don’t want to do a half arsed effort - you want your course to have a real impact on your students and clients. You want it to be slick, to be professional.  You want the experience to be something your clients cherish and rave about afterwards! 

If you haven’t launched a course online before then it can feel overwhelming to know where to start.  Although you want to reach and help more people around the world you don’t want to burn out in the process or spend hours on the internet researching the best platforms, equipment or course layouts. 

You will probably have seen other wellness practitioners launching their own course (and may have taken part in 1 or a few!) and sharing and celebrating their successes. You know that this is the next step in your own business but you also want this to be an enjoyable experience for you too, and not a long drawn out or expensive guessing game.  

You’ve got the fire in your belly and passion in your heart… you just don’t know where to start...

Well, Rachel and I do!  And if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last 2 years, it’s how to create, present and launch a successful and impactful online course.  

Launch Your First Online Course is an easy to follow road map to show you how to create a successful and impactful online course.  We’ve done the hours of trial and error and worked out the systems and processes so you don’t have to.  

We invite you to join us to fast track your timeline to the launch of your first online course.

If you’ve been wondering;


  • What platforms do I use to host the course?
  • What equipment, if at all, do I need to buy to record the content?
  • How much needs to be pre-recorded and how much needs to be live?
  • How do I collect payment?
  • How would I describe the transformation my clients will experience so that they “get it”?
  • How much content needs to be in the course?
  • Is it best if everyone starts the course at the same time or can they do it whenever they like?
  • How do I market and launch the course?
  • How do I reach and sell to more dream clients?
  • How do I make the course unique in a sea of online courses already out there?


… then you’ve come to the right place.  We share our entire process with you, from the creation of an idea to the launch and delivery of your course (and more)!


✔️ Waking up to see another sale for your online course that’s come in while you were sleeping

✔️ Opening your emails and receive yet another testimonial from a client who has recently finished your online course and has been telling all their friends how their lives have been changed by it!

✔️ Realising how much more space you have in your day, while still having the same impact on your clients through your online course

✔️ Seeing your one on one or in person offerings become more specific, high touch and high end because you know so many of your clients are already receiving the support they need through your online course

✔️ Joining a live call with a group of grateful and enthusiastic participants and realising how truly global your community is, and it keeps growing!

✔️ Receiving a more consistent and growing income from your ecosystem of offerings

✔️ Opening a message from someone you’ve never met before who has heard about your online course and expressing how much they’d love to join!

A successful and impactful online course opens a path for you to reach and serve more people with less effort and greater income.

Launch Your First Online Course is where we show you how to do just that...

This online course teaches wellness entrepreneurs how to confidently create & sell your own profitable online course so you can serve and reach a wider audience with less effort, while also smartly leveraging your time and money..




I’m Ready! Sign Me Up!

"I really enjoyed this course. It was extremely professional and well made."

- Thomas Love

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training

“What a great course! All styles of learning will be able to enjoy this course. Even though it is virtual it is very in-depth and informative.

- Kourtni King

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training

“I am so impressed with how they organized the course and how their flow was so very well thought out.”

- Cheryl

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training

“A really big thank you again! It's been so great, rewarding, and fun. You are both amazing in this! Such a brilliant work and solid program. I'm grateful that you are doing this, not only for my sake but for all who sign up. It's truly inspiring to hear your stories, follow the work and again the program has been authentic, clear and a fire starter for me. THANK YOU!

- Maria Rinné

4 Month The Abundant Business Mastermind

“This is more than a course, it is a journey to a new way of living. Lucy and Rachel are trailblazers in the wellness world. They have presented this course thoughtfully, methodically and with just the right amount of information. It’s been a pleasure. Thank you.”

- Lauren Williams

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training 

“I was worried about taking my in-person training online, however, Rachel and Lucy created a really well thought out, informative course. Where connection was built even through an online space. I feel like I learned a lot, and it’s left me craving more. It was such an honour to be a part of this course and to learn from these two amazing teachers who have a way of making you feel safe and connected even in the online setting.

- Beth Knudsen

50 Hour Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training







Now, let’s start


What kind of online course do you want to create?


For instance, you can use our step-by-step process to create an online…

  • Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training
  • Self-Study Healing Immersion
  • 10 Week Group Detox
  • 6 month (or longer!) Group Coaching Program or Mastermind
  • Additional study to an In-Person Course
  • Certified Coaching Programs
  • And more!

And not only that, you’ll learn how to market and launch your program so that you reach your dream clients, all waiting for your special magic, wisdom and transformation.

Launch Your First Online Course will take you through a step-by-step from creation to completion of your first online course. With 5 online courses under our belt, we’re sharing everything you need to know so that you don’t have to spend hours of your time (and money) to try and work it out yourself.

Through our process, you’ll...


✔️ Gain clarity on what transformation your online course will take your clients through 

✔️ Narrow down your dream client who are ready and waiting to sign up, where to find them and how to speak to their soul

✔️ Learn our systems so you don’t get overwhelmed by all the components to creating an online course

✔️ Learn how to pre-sell your course so that you’re earning money while you create it!

✔️ Gain the tools to write a banging sales page that completes sales for you

✔️ Upskill your writing skills so that writing compelling and clear social media posts is a joy and not a drain

✔️ Find out how you can also create a global and active online community who don’t just sign up to one of your courses, but many!

✔️ Know exactly which bits of equipment you need (and don’t need!)

✔️ Have a clear idea of what course layout and course platform will best suit your creation

✔️ Understand the difference, pros and cons of creating specific launch dates for your program vs having an “evergreen” course that your clients can sign up to at any time.

✔️ Plus, you’ll learn the ins and outs of upselling, VIP offers, affiliate marketing, how to build a support team, engaging guest speakers and more…

As a gift for those who sign up before the 19th February we’re offering 3 live group Q&As with either Rachel or Lucy every other week starting on the first week after the launch. This gives you a unique opportunity to get personalised answers to any questions that come up as you work your way through the course.

Your very own online course is made unique by your wisdom, care and experience.  Your clients need this. Let us show you how to best present your teachings and guidance in a way that is inspiring to read and watch, easy and effortless to follow and that enhances their experience so that they feel encouraged, held, supported and nourished throughout the experience.

The average global completion for online courses is 8%. Our courses have a 83% completion rate - that’s 10x the average! 


Launch Your First Online Course is where we share how we create and launch such successful courses so that you can do the same.

 I know my clients are ready to take my online course and I want you to show me how to create it!




“The course has been thought about carefully and put together with precision and detail. The course is information-rich and not fluffed out with unnecessary lectures/materials. The style and method is consistent throughout. The course is very straight forward to navigate and I didn't have to ask any questions to navigate through the course A-Z."

- Anonymous Graduate

"Lucy and Rachel have a way of transporting the practitioner to an exotic place during the asana sessions and lectures. I have enjoyed some of the sessions more than in person Yin classes because of the careful class planning, attention to detail and high-quality visually appealing video work.. Highly recommend.” 

- Anonymous Graduate

Ireland, 50 Hour Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training

“The course is brilliantly put together in easy-to-digest content chunks. It feels personal with Lucy and Rachel delivering it all, yet really comprehensive and professional. The notes and materials alongside the video content are also really useful to have any refer to as you begin to implement them. Would definitely recommend!”

- James Wilson

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training

“The videos are kept short without leaving out anything important. The explanations in the videos are very understandable and Rachel and Lucy are really very sympathetic. The advantage of this online course is that I can watch and review all videos over and over again. It was my first online training and I'm really excited. Thank you very much for your gift.”

- Joe Taugwalder  

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training

“Lucy and Rachel have offered an accessible, engaging and content-rich breath coaching program. I found the course content really interesting and Lucy and Rachel offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Guest lectures added to an already great menu of learning topics in addition to the foundations."

- Tanya Cooper

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training

Your first online course gives you the opportunity to reach more clients with less effort, have a deeper impact on your community without over-giving and, create a more consistent income while taking well-deserved breaks to rest and gather your creative juices!


Create Your First Online Course collapses your timeline from creation to completion so you can focus your energy on what you do best - facilitate meaningful and transformative experiences for your clients and community.

This course is designed for coaches, healers, mentors and teachers who are ready to leap into creating an online course. If you’re not sure if you’re in the right place in your business then check out the suggestions below.


✔️ You already have a website that describes the work that you do as a coach/healer

✔️ You already have paying clients and feel confident in the transformation you support your clients through

✔️ You understand that you may have to invest in recording equipment and online platforms to host your course (don’t worry, we go through your options in the course according to your budget)

✔️ You have a mailing list of clients and potential clients

✔️ You have a Facebook Page/Facebook Group/Instagram account for your business or that you’re keep to start using for your business to attract clients

✔️ (Recommended) You have a specific bank account for your business that’s separate to your personal bank account




“This course was easy to fit into my busy ever-changing schedule. The videos were easy to watch and easy to understand. The written content supports it fantastically. I can't wait to see what Rachel and Lucy come up with next”

- Nina Bonifacio

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training


“Lucy and Rachel's breathwork course is amazing. It is laid out clearly and logically and provides different modalities for learning whether you are an auditory or visual learner.  Being able to learn at your pace online makes this unique course available to anyone.”  

- Kat Maeda

25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training 

“Lucy and Rachel created a container of both safety and integrity, where in my own time I was able to use their library of resources and live Q&A support to establish a niche for my business, and learn how to speak to that niche authentically. I loved the mixture of masculine and feminine they brought to the program, and would wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone looking to structure their business and learn how to connect with their audience. Thank you!”

- Richard Ayling

4 Month The Abundant Business Mastermind

“I was concerned how a YTT would translate online, but it blew me away how well structured it was, and having the content recorded was amazing for self-study. Lucy and Rachel are both such engaging and inspiring teachers, I absolutely loved learning from them both.”

- Sara Galvez

50 Hour Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training

We are business partners and soul sisters.  Our first business is our 6 figure Surf, Yoga and Wellness Retreat Company - The Pineapple House, Bali - where we welcome guests from around the world (pre-COVID) to join us in Bali to rest, enjoy the ocean, heal, launch and ponder their next life move or adventure. 

Our second project was our 50 Hour (in-person) Yin Yoga Teacher Training which we offered 3 times a year in Bali. 

In 2020, when the pandemic closed Indonesia's borders we didn’t waste time to do what we do best - we created a new direction and opportunity from our collective tools and experience and our deep belief in ourselves. 

Within 2 months we had already created, sold and launched our first online course - our 25 Hour Online Breath Coach Training with 90 sign ups within 3 weeks.  We knew we were onto something and The Whole Health Project started with a bang!

Since our first online course in May 2020 we’ve created 2 more teacher trainings, a 3 week business program for wellness practitioners taking the first steps in their wellness business and a 4 month mastermind - The Abundant Coach Mastermind.  

The Whole Health Project celebrated becoming a 6 figure company at the end of our first year. We have a thriving Facebook Group of over 3,600 members, a regular (and growing!) income from online sign ups, 3 incredible online assistants who help us to create the space we need to take time out, follow our other passions and build our next creations.


If there’s one thing we’ve learned during this journey it’s how to create an impactful, meaningful, and successful online course.


The road wasn’t straightforward to us - we grafted before we delegated, we experimented with platforms and recording equipment, we changed from launching our courses on specific dates into evergreen self-study courses, we had launches that went really well and launches that didn’t go so well, and we navigated personal and business curveballs that inevitably lead to deeper learning and growth.

Launch Your First Online Course is where we share with you the exact process we have to create, market, sell, launch and complete your very own unique online course. 

We’ve honed in our systems, researched and trialed the different platforms, refined our messaging, learned the art of selling, upgraded our vibration and energy, reduced our overwhelm, created a global community, and brought in support and space in our business and lives. 

Now it’s time for us to pass this all on to you so you can do the same.


We know that your clients and community are waiting for your special gift. 

Launch Your First Online Course shows you how to present, share and sell your first online course with more ease and (much) less time!

