The 3-week business kick-start specifically for coaches and healers who are just starting out and want to hit the ground running.

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We're in the process of converting our Business Accelerator into a self-study program - The Online Coach Kickstarter, a road map for coaches and healers who want to bring in their first consistent paying clients. You'll be able to begin this program anytime and study, implement and return to at your own pace.


Enter your email below to be added to the waiting list so that you become the first to know when this course becomes available

If you're just starting out as a coach or healer....

If you have lots of ideas but you don't know how to make it into a thriving business...


... you’re in the right place!

Whether you’re just starting out with your business and want to learn the essential set up, strategies and mindset of a successful entrepreneur...

OR… you have some entrepreneurship experience, but the revenue you’re generating isn’t affording you the abundant, sustainable income you desire and deserve. 

We’re here to help you to kick-start your business, mindset and offerings to create the impact you know you can create and bring in the income you desire.

Essentially, we've created the Business Accelerator that WE wish we had at the beginning stages of our career!

If you want to step into your purpose to make a greater impact through your business, click below to join our exclusive 3-week Business Accelerator coaching program, starting 29th June.

With love,

Rachel & Lucy

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Do you want to go from confused, overwhelmed and stuck...

to confidently creating a thriving business through your transformative offers?


This Business Accelerator will give you the essential and easy to apply strategies, business structures and giant mindset upgrades to help you to grow a sustainable and impactful business.

How many of these resonate with you?

Do you find yourself...

βœ”οΈ Consuming and downloading all the free business content you can online but you’re still so overwhelmed and you don’t know what strategy or advice will and won’t work for you.

βœ”οΈ  Feeling held back by niggling self-doubt and limiting worries about what you can realistically achieve in a COVID economy.

βœ”οΈ  Struggling to decide where to invest your time, money and energy - you want to get it right and to make a smart investment but aren’t sure what to where to go or what to focus on!

βœ”οΈ  Looking for aligned advice and guidance from coaches who are in your industry, who GET you, and who have been there and done it themselves.

βœ”οΈ  Dreaming of connecting with other Inspiring and Ambitious Wellness Healers/Coaches worldwide, who are building a business just like you.

βœ”οΈ  Crying out for some clarity and confidence on what the next steps need to be for you to create a sustainable income with serious growth potential

βœ”οΈ  Wanting to work towards creating an offer and business that has serious scaling possibilities!

Is This Coaching Program Right For Me?

This is for you if...

  • You’re committed to do what it takes to create impact to a larger number of clients.
  • You’re ready to get out of confusion and frustration, and into confidence, alignment and action.
  • You know it's your soul purpose to express your passions through an abundant wellness business.
  • You’re ready to make some seriously fast upgrades in yourself and in your business. You know this is not going to be easy and you are looking for expert advice and guidance to help set you on the right track!


  • You want to learn how to create impactful offers and how to attract the ideal clients.
  • You want to create connection with a global community of like-minded entrepreneurial healers and coaches who will champion you, call you out on your shit, celebrate your wins and who have your higher purpose in mind.
  • You know the value of having the support of industry experts who understand the challenges of building a business and can provide clear, actionable strategies and accountability to propel you forward.
  • You want to hang out with experts who TOTALLY GET why you’re so driven to create a business that serves your higher purpose to create transformation for your clients and community.


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What our clients say...

❝ Lucy and Rachel do not hold back on sharing their wisdom I have learnt not only how to help others but also myself and that to me is invaluable. So grateful for this ❞

Sophie Plant - Breath Coach Training Alumni

Let's also get clear on who this isn't for...

  • You’re at the ‘idea stage’ of your business and don't know what modality you want to offer. The Business Accelerator is for ambitious professionals who have started putting their services our there or who have some idea of the direction they want to go.
  • You’re not serious about growing your wellness business, and are happy to limit your progress and potential.
  • You’re not ready to face yourself, and reprogram your own mindset and habits.
  • You’re not ready to invest in yourself, your passions or your dreams.
  • You don’t have the discipline to follow our steps and guidance.
  • You want to take things slow and "see how things go" rather than fast tracking your growth and avoiding the inevitable potholes.
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What you'll get...


In this coaching program we’ll help you shape a soul-aligned business that is fulfilling, sustainable and heart-lead.

Whether you’re a business beginner or already have some experience as a wellness entrepreneur.

Join our community of ambitious coaches, healers & wellness professionals to learn the essentials of building a business that works FOR you not against you.

The strategies and business set-up we’ve used to start a high-impact wellness business that is sustainable and scalable.
How to leverage Social Media to attract ideal clients (that buy!) and build lasting relationships with your community in a way that’s authentic to you.
Tools to improve your mindset, and maximise your decision making, problem solving and wealth potential.
Our signature process to identify your niche, and attract more dream clients.
Powerful exercises to break through limiting beliefs around building a successful career in the wellness industry.
LIVE Q&As and group laser coaching sessions with Rachel and Lucy inside the exclusive Facebook Group.



What's the Investment?

During this 3-week Business Accelerator coaching program, you'll learn the simple but essential strategies and mindset fundamentals you need to create a sustainable and impactful thriving business in 2021.

Ready for a big return on investment?

$1111 USD

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Meet the creators behind the program...

Hi! We're Rachel and Lucy!

With collectively over 18 years of experience in the wellness space, we’ve both grown from stressed out and over-worked business owners, teachers and coaches to thriving business entrepreneurs with the space to do what we love and with multiple businesses that offer transformation to our growing community across the globe.   

To do this we had to embody next-level mindsets, implement wise strategies and face outdated stories and conditioning that no longer served us.

We've created this Business Accelerator because we've been exactly where you're at now we wish we had it when we were at the stage that you're at now!

We recognise your ambition and level of commitment, and we know you're ready to take your impact and abundance to the next level of success!

It's because we’ve been there before that we are SO passionate about sharing our tried, tested and proven steps to creating a sustainable income through transformative offers. We don’t want you to have to take the long way to business success.

We know the world will be a better place to live as more ambitious wellness professionals like YOU are sharing your passions and wisdom with the world and are empowered to live your purpose with ease and the abundance you deserve!

With love,

Rachel & Lucy

If there’s ever been a time to secure your success with a sustainable business, it’s now!


You don't have to have experience in marketing or sales to create income through your offers, but you do need to be willing to learn and apply new steps, up-level your mindset and apply strategies that create a sustainable business.

And that's why we're here.

We don't want to see your time, energy and resources go to waste any more.  We're all about creating space, ease and sustainability so you can do what you do best!

Maybe you're just starting out with your business and want to learn how to get it up and running (we’ve already been there and and we can tell you as much about what NOT to do as we can about what is essential that you start doing now!!)

Or… Maybe you have some entrepreneurship experience, but the revenue you’re generating isn’t affording you the abundance and freedom you desire and deserve.

This 3-week BUSINESS accelerator is for ambitious entrepreneurial healers and coaches who want to transform from confused, overwhelmed and stuck... to confidently take action to implement clear strategies for growing their sustainable wellness business!

Instead of trying to figure it all out by yourself, you get access to our fundamental strategies and mindset shifts that we used to not only start a business, but that we build on to grow and scale our offers.  Not only that, but you'll actually enjoy the process and avoid the all-too-common overwhelm and stress, and actually enjoy the process of being a business owner!

❝ My deep gratitude goes to Rachel and Lucy for all their important wisdom and beautiful energy ❞ 

Christine Terland - Breath Coach Training Alumni

Are you ready to eliminate the overwhelm and create a more sustainable business? 


Having the support of industry experts who understand the hurdles you face and can provide you with actionable strategies, clear steps and accountability is the fastest way to get there!!


Ready for a big return on investment?

$1111 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions