Register to Get Access to Our FREE 60-Minute Pre-Recorded Workshop

The Healing Power of the Breath

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You are the one who people seek advice & guidance from.

You have a natural innate ability to see what other people need.

You desire to support in a holistic way, because you KNOW that it is never one thing, one way or one modality alone that will help people to heal, to shift & transform.

And You KNOW one of the answers lies in the breath.


We are excited to share with you a FREE 60-minute workshop - The Healing Power of the Breath.

This is for you if:
You are a coach, yoga teacher, therapist or facilitator and you KNOW you want to be able to support your clients in a more holistic way through the breath

You simply have a sense that you are not breathing ‘quite right’ and want to empower yourself with the tools to breathe deeper

You desire to support your friends & family to build a deeper connection to their breath

In this workshop, we'll be diving into:
Why the breath is SO vital in ANY form of coaching or therapy work
How & why the breath can change from being deep & fulfilling to stuck & shallow
How you can begin to shift dysfunctional breathing patterns in your own body

Come along, bring a friend and let’s breathe together.

To sign up enter your email in the boxes above.


With love, 

Rachel and Lucy